Stri kalp

Stri kalp

For management of female disease

Useful in abdominal cramps. of women, physical strain, fatigue and general problems related to menstrual disorders.
Special Advice
Use of medicine if there is abdominal cramps and diarrhea during drug intake should be closed The medicine should be started again when the convulsions and diarrhea stop.

Intake Method and Quantity20 ml in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast or as per doctor's advice.

Ingredients :
Ulatkambal (Abroma Agusta)
Gajar (Daucos Carota )
Hamsapadi (Adiantum Lunulatum)
Karpasa ( Gossypium Herbaceum)
Vasa ( Adhatoda Vasica )
Kanyasara (Aloe Barbadensis )
Intake Period after the end of menstruation until before the onset of menstruation.
Caution It is strictly forbidden to use this medicine during pregnancy, it can lead to the collapse of the fetus